dinsdag 17 november 2009


Today I saw him again, my painting teacher at a local store, where about two years ago I bought a reproduction of Vermeer's the Milkmaid -- I mentioned that to him. He was looking around for some housepaint of the right colour. He and I have always very interesting discussions together. We talk about art, styles, methods, principles, techniques, painters, and just about anything that has to do with painting. In others words just about everything. I told him everything has to do with everything. And he liked the idea. He seems to enjoy our conversation because he listens attentively everytime.

I gathered he had studied at the provincial Art Academy; he mentioned it to me a few times. He just told me he makes his living as a painter doing art exhibits from time to time. (He had told me I could do an art exhibit myself if I painted a lot and long enough.) He just bought an old school somewhere and is turning it into his residence together with his girlfriend.

One thing I noticed about him is that he is shy, self-conscious, extremely careful, and very polite. Sometimes apologetic. His posture and body language says it all. Exactly my opposite. I try too hard to be funny or crazy. So it seems. But he doesn't seem to mind: he loves to chat.

At the local painting club they mentioned it. My personal style. And they seem to accept it. Like I couldn't help it. It's just me. One of the members even suggested giving me the honour of thinking of and giving the club its name. As if I could think of the right name just out of the blue. I declined the honour.

I often wonder why people are extremely open towards me. It must be the local mentality.