zaterdag 19 april 2008

Party Animal

I was invited to the twelve and half year jubileum of our company. I had to go to place called Mitwolda for the party. So I looked it up on internet in order to find out how to get there easily. The first thing I came across thru google was a place called Mitwolde. So I went there and I found out I arrived at the wrong place. Luckily I had plenty of time and managed to get to the right one, which was really much closer to where I live. This things happen to me a lot. Perhaps because I rely too much on my intuition and vague feeling of being led by an unknown higher force or higher Self that some people call God or Buddha. Well, I became much wiser. Knowledge is power. A little is an expensive way to learn and wasteful.
Everybody was looking good and being at their best, wearing their prettiest clothes and acting like very successful people. I love the food and the entertainment; I forgot that I was vegetarian.